Take Action: Tell the ISC to protect the Gila River
Speak up on behalf of the Gila and San Francisco rivers as the NM Interstate Stream Commission decides how to allocate over $110 million from the NM Unit Fund to water projects in southwest New Mexico.
Please submit your comments to the ISC by August 30, 2024.
Since the defeat of the diversion in 2020 and passage in 2021 of House Bill 200 that removed the pro-diversion NM CAP Entity from advising the ISC on NM Unit funding decisions, the Water Trust Board and the Interstate Stream Commission have been working on how the state will allocate the remaining dollars to water projects in the four counties of southwest New Mexico (Grant, Luna, Hidalgo, and Catron counties).
The NM Unit Fund represents a tremendous opportunity to meet our water supply needs over the next few decades while keeping the Gila River wild and free!
The ISC is asking for public input on their draft policy that will guide the project application process that opens in October 2024.
Points you could make include the following:
- Project information should be available to the public at all times.
- Project documents should be available online on the Water Trust Board (WTB) and Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) websites.
Public Participation
- Public updates at least biannually to ensure that SWNM communities are included in the process.
- Inclusion of public and NGOs on any advisory bodies.
- WTB and ISC need to accept public input regularly.
Environmental Impacts
- Consider all ecological impacts not just on threatened and endangered (T&E) species i.e., including hydrology, ecosystems, species, etc.
- Agencies must do more than just evaluation of environmental impacts.
- Reject or modify projects with environmental impacts.
- Evaluate and articulate cost/benefit analysis.
- Include existing and future amenity-based economic benefits not just traditional ag and industry.
- When considering benefits and costs of proposals, environmental benefits and environmental costs (impacts/damages) must be explicitly considered.
- Level of community engagement/participation should include community support or opposition to the project.
- Projects that benefit the most people should receive additional points as part of project evaluation.
- Annual funding levels should be flexible to allow for variability in need from year to year.
- Appropriate funding levels for full range of project sizes.
- Funding should be made available in a meaningful timeframe for emergency or high benefit projects.
Project categories
- In addition to water delivery and treatment systems, we need to support water conservation and watershed restoration projects that are critical to water supply sustainability.
- Given lack of technical capacity at the local level, projects that provide technical assistance for water project planning, development, management and administration should also be funded.
- Projects that collect hydrogeological data to aid in project development and long-term water planning and management should also be funded.
Entity Eligibility – Support NGO eligibility with local government fiscal agent, as non-profit sector can help build local capacity.
Categories of Funding
- Planning and design funding – Support funding for planning and design of water projects as necessary first steps in securing water supplies for the future.
- Construction funding – Construction funding should also be dispersed during the Pilot Cycle, since Grant County Regional Water Supply Project is ready for construction funding and we have critical needs e.g., Hanover, Hurley.
- Technical assistance funding – Funding should be provided during Pilot Cycle to build technical capacity at the local level for water project planning, development, management and administration.
- Data collection funding – Funding should be provided during the Pilot Cycle for projects that will collect local and regional hydrogeology data to assist with science-based, data-driven water planning, management, and project development.
Your voice is crucial. Just as your participation was instrumental in defeating the Gila River diversion, your input will be critical to making sure that the ISC protects the Gila River as it makes its NM Unit Fund decisions.
Please submit your comments via email to the ISC at: US-NMISCinformationsessions@wsp.com