Join us for Gila River Festival 2024
The Gila Conservation Coalition invites you to join us for this year’s Gila River Festival – Protecting New Mexico’s Last Wild River: Charting the Path Ahead – scheduled for September 26 – 29, 2024. As we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Gila Wilderness, the Gila River Festival will not only celebrate this important milestone in protecting America’s first Wilderness River, but will also look to the Gila’s future. By exploring themes of long-term protection, climate resilience, cultural exchange, and […]

Take Action: Tell the ISC to protect the Gila River
Speak up on behalf of the Gila and San Francisco rivers as the NM Interstate Stream Commission decides how to allocate over $110 million from the NM Unit Fund to water projects in southwest New Mexico. Please submit your comments to the ISC by August 30, 2024. Since the defeat of the diversion in 2020 and passage in 2021 of House Bill 200 that removed the pro-diversion NM CAP Entity from advising the ISC on NM Unit funding decisions, the […]

Senator Martin Heinrich and Representative Gabe Vasquez reintroduce Gila Wild and Scenic Legislation
For Immediate Release March 15, 2023 Contact: Allyson Siwik, Executive Director, Gila Conservation Coalition 575.590.7619 cell, Gila Conservation Coalition Applauds Reintroduction of Gila Wild and Scenic Legislation to Protect the Gila and San Francisco Rivers Senator Martin Heinrich and Representative Gabe Vasquez announced today the reintroduction of the M.H. Dutch Salmon Greater Gila Wild and Scenic River Act to protect segments of the Gila and San Francisco rivers and their tributaries as Wild and Scenic. [watch video][statements […]

Take the Gila Wetlands Survey
Gila Conservation Coalition partners, Gila Resources Information Project and Upper Gila Watershed Alliance, are working in partnership with Amigos Bravos to identify “wetland jewels” in the Gila watershed. This effort will help prioritize wetlands for protection and restoration that serve as keystone areas in the health of the watershed. As part of the project, we are looking for local watershed user’s input on the wetland functions (i.e. habitat creation, groundwater recharge, streamflow maintenance, sediment retention, etc.) that matter most to them […]

Gila Conservation Coalition Year-In-Review 2022
During this holiday season, we are reminded of how grateful we are for your ongoing generosity toward protecting the Gila River! We would not have been able to defeat the Gila River diversion project or the Holloman F-16 airspace expansion proposal without your steadfast support. But the threats have not gone away, and the Gila still needs our help. As you recall, House Bill 200 was signed into law last year, prohibiting spending on a diversion and replacing the New […]
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Take Action: Tell the ISC to protect the Gila River
Speak up on behalf of the Gila and San Francisco rivers as the NM Interstate Stream Commission decides how to allocate over $110 million from the NM Unit Fund to water projects in southwest New Mexico. Please submit your comments to the ISC by August 30, 2024. Since the defeat of the diversion in 2020 […]
Take the Gila Wetlands Survey
Gila Conservation Coalition partners, Gila Resources Information Project and Upper Gila Watershed Alliance, are working in partnership with Amigos Bravos to identify “wetland jewels” in the Gila watershed. This effort will help prioritize wetlands for protection and restoration that serve as keystone areas in the health of the watershed. As part of the project, we are […]
Tell the Forest Service you support feral cattle removal in the Gila Wilderness!
The Gila National Forest is accepting public comment on its proposal to remove feral cattle that are degrading fish and wildlife habitat in the Gila Wilderness. Submit your comments by January 9th in support of the Gila National Forest’s plan to remove feral cattle from the Gila Wilderness. USFS Scoping Letter The Gila National Forest […]
Take Action: Thank Senators Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján for Protecting the Gila River!
Senators Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján reintroduced the M.H. Dutch Salmon Greater Gila Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to protect segments of the Gila and San Francisco rivers and their tributaries as Wild and Scenic. Join the Gila Conservation Coalition in thanking Senators Heinrich and Luján for their leadership and dedication to long-term protection […]