Take the Gila Wetlands Survey
Gila Conservation Coalition partners, Gila Resources Information Project and Upper Gila Watershed Alliance, are working in partnership with Amigos Bravos to identify “wetland jewels” in the Gila watershed.
This effort will help prioritize wetlands for protection and restoration that serve as keystone areas in the health of the watershed. As part of the project, we are looking for local watershed user’s input on the wetland functions (i.e. habitat creation, groundwater recharge, streamflow maintenance, sediment retention, etc.) that matter most to them and their activities within the watershed.
Once the top wetland functions are identified, the project team will utilize high-detailed mapping analysis to identify the areas that contribute the most to these watershed functions. A map will be created of the analysis and shared with stakeholders, land managers, and restoration professionals so these areas can be prioritized in future restoration activities and management plans.
Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey so your opinions can be incorporated into the analysis.
If you have any questions, please contact Steven Fry – sfry@amigosbravos.org or 425.213.3906